1 Overview

This tutorial reviews the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM; Kashy & Kenny, 2000; Kenny, Kashy, & Cook, 2006), which is often used to examine the association (1) between two constructs for two people using cross-sectional data, or (2) between the same construct from two people across two time points.

2 Outline

In this tutorial, we’ll cover…

Before we begin, let’s load the libraries we need.

We’ll be using our trusty WISC data, so we’ll read that data set in.

id verb1 verb6 perfo1 perfo6
1 24.42 55.64 19.84 44.19
2 12.44 37.81 5.90 40.38
3 32.43 50.18 27.64 77.72
4 22.69 44.72 33.16 61.66
5 28.23 70.95 27.64 64.22
6 16.06 39.94 8.45 39.08

We’ll also make a long version of the data set for later use.

3 Problem Definition

In this tutorial, we are going to examine the association between verbal and performance ability using measures from first grade and sixth grade. We are interested in simultaneously examining whether (1) verbal ability in the first grade is predictive of verbal ability in the sixth grade, (2) performance ability in the first grade is predictive of performance ability in the sixth grade, (3) verbal ability in the first grade is predictive of performance ability in the sixth grade, and (4) performance ability in the first grade is predictive of verbal ability in the sixth grade.

When working with dyads, the above points 1 and 2 are often referred to as “actor effects” and points 3 and 4 are often referred to as “partner effects.”

While this example is not a “traditional dyad” - i.e., two distinguishable people - the analytic processes demonstrated here for bivariate data are applicable to the examination of dyadic data.

4 Descriptive Statistics for Dyadic Data

Before we run our models, it is often useful to get more familiar with the data via plotting and descriptives statistics.

Let’s begin with descriptive statistics of our four variables of interest: first grade verbal and performance ability, and sixth grade verbal and performance ability.

vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
X1 1 204 19.58505 5.807695 19.335 19.49768 5.41149 3.33 35.15 31.82 0.1301071 -0.0528376 0.40662
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
X1 1 204 43.7499 10.66505 42.545 43.4561 11.29741 17.35 72.59 55.24 0.2356459 -0.360521 0.7467029
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
X1 1 204 17.97706 8.349782 17.66 17.69116 8.295147 0 46.58 46.58 0.3510232 -0.1089726 0.5846017
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
X1 1 204 50.93162 12.47987 51.765 51.07073 13.26927 10.26 89.01 78.75 -0.0637532 0.1836101 0.873766

We can see that both the mean and standard deviation of verbal and performance ability increase from first to sixth grade. While this is worth noting, the APIM will not be examining changes in mean levels of verbal and performance ability.

Let’s also examine the correlations (i.e., associations and rank order stability) among the four variables.

##            verb1     verb6    perfo1    perfo6
## verb1  1.0000000 0.6541040 0.6101379 0.4779672
## verb6  0.6541040 1.0000000 0.6183155 0.6106694
## perfo1 0.6101379 0.6183155 1.0000000 0.6958321
## perfo6 0.4779672 0.6106694 0.6958321 1.0000000

We can see that all four varibles are relatively nomrally distirbuted.

We can see there are strong, positive correlations both across time within-construct and between-constructs.

Let’s also look at a few individuals to examine the within-person association between verbal and performance ability from the first to sixth grade.

Within these nine participants, there is some inter-individual variability. For example, some participants’ verbal and performance ability increase more than others, some participants have higher levels of verbal ability than performance ability (or vice versa) across time. The APIM model is all about rank-order interindividual differences, so these intra-individual change plots are not quite matched to the APIM-type research questions. (see the tutorial on two types of 2-occasion change models).

5 Dyadic data preparation

We have learned to manipulate data from “wide” to “long,” and vice versa. Dyadic/bivariate analyses require further manipulation in order to get the data in the correct format for our analyses. We will walk through the data prep in two steps.

First, we need to create one column that has the information for both outcome variables - i.e., for each person, the verb6 and perfo6 values will alternate. This is almost like repeated measures data, but instead of having multiple time points nested within person, we have multiple (two) variables to nest within person.

id verb1 perfo1 variable value
1 24.42 19.84 verb6 55.64
2 12.44 5.90 verb6 37.81
3 32.43 27.64 verb6 50.18
4 22.69 33.16 verb6 44.72
5 28.23 27.64 verb6 70.95
6 16.06 8.45 verb6 39.94
id verb1 perfo1 grade6_variable grade6_outcome
1 1 24.42 19.84 verb6 55.64
205 1 24.42 19.84 perfo6 44.19
2 2 12.44 5.90 verb6 37.81
206 2 12.44 5.90 perfo6 40.38
3 3 32.43 27.64 verb6 50.18
207 3 32.43 27.64 perfo6 77.72

Second, we need to create two dummy variables (each 0/1) that will be useful in our analyses to “turn on/off” a row (more on this later). We will create a new variable, “verb_on” that indicates which rows are for the “verb6” outcome, We will create a second variable, “perform_on” that indicates which rows are for the “perfo6” oucome.

id verb1 perfo1 grade6_variable grade6_outcome verb_on perform_on
1 1 24.42 19.84 verb6 55.64 1 0
205 1 24.42 19.84 perfo6 44.19 0 1
2 2 12.44 5.90 verb6 37.81 1 0
206 2 12.44 5.90 perfo6 40.38 0 1
3 3 32.43 27.64 verb6 50.18 1 0
207 3 32.43 27.64 perfo6 77.72 0 1

There are many alternative ways to prepare dyadic data. For example, see https://github.com/RandiLGarcia/2day-dyad-workshop/blob/master/Day%201/R%20Code/Day%201-Data%20Restructuring.Rmd). It will depend on how you choose to run your analysis (described further later).

6 APIM using nlme package

Now that we know a bit more about the data we are working with and have the data prepared in a single-outcome (double-entry) format, we can set up our APIM model. We’ll run this model in the nlme package.

Specifically, we’ll examine whether:

Before running this full model, we will examine the empty model to determine how much variability there is within- and between-persons. Specifically,

\[Grade6Outcome_{i} = \beta_{0V}VerbOn_{it} + \beta_{0P}PerformOn_{it} + e_{Vi} +e_{Pi}\]

Empty model.

## Generalized least squares fit by REML
##   Model: grade6_outcome ~ -1 + verb_on + perform_on 
##   Data: data_melt 
##        AIC      BIC    logLik
##   3063.861 3083.893 -1526.931
## Correlation Structure: General
##  Formula: ~1 | id 
##  Parameter estimate(s):
##  Correlation: 
##   1    
## 2 0.611
## Variance function:
##  Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
##  Formula: ~1 | verb_on 
##  Parameter estimates:
##        1        0 
## 1.000000 1.170165 
## Coefficients:
##               Value Std.Error  t-value p-value
## verb_on    43.74990 0.7467029 58.59077       0
## perform_on 50.93162 0.8737660 58.28977       0
##  Correlation: 
##            verb_n
## perform_on 0.611 
## Standardized residuals:
##         Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
## -3.25897660 -0.72994511 -0.02108775  0.72002989  3.05118321 
## Residual standard error: 10.66505 
## Degrees of freedom: 408 total; 406 residual

We examine the correlation of the verbal and performance error terms to determine the degree of non-independence in the data. We can see that Rho = 0.61, indicating the correlation across dyad members, children who have higher verbal ability tend to also have higher performance ability.

Other things to note in this output…

For completeness of reppresenting the data we can get the means and variances of, and correlation between, the two predictors from the raw data.

Next, we are going to run our full APIM model using the two-intercept approach. Specifically,

\[Grade6Outcome_{i} = \beta_{0V}VerbOn_{it} + \beta_{1V}VerbOn_{it}*Verb1_{it} + \beta_{2V}VerbOn_{it}*Perform1_{it} + \beta_{0P}PerformOn_{it} + \beta_{1P}PerformOn_{it}*Perform1_{it} + \beta_{2P}PerformOn_{it}*Verb1_{it} + e_{Vi} +e_{Pi}\]

So when “verb_on” is equal to 0:

\[Grade6Outcome_{i} = \beta_{0P}PerformOn_{it} + \beta_{1P}PerformOn_{it}*Perform1_{it} + \beta_{2P}PerformOn_{it}*Verb1_{it} + e_{Vi} +e_{Pi}\]

and when “perform_on” is equal to 0:

\[Grade6Outcome_{it} = \beta_{0V}VerbOn_{it} + \beta_{1V}VerbOn_{it}*Verb1_{it} + \beta_{2V}VerbOn_{it}*Perform1_{it} + e_{Vi} +e_{Pi}\]

Full model.

## Generalized least squares fit by REML
##   Model: grade6_outcome ~ -1 + verb_on + verb_on:verb1 + verb_on:perfo1 +      perform_on + perform_on:perfo1 + perform_on:verb1 
##   Data: data_melt 
##        AIC      BIC    logLik
##   2879.029 2914.997 -1430.514
## Correlation Structure: General
##  Formula: ~1 | id 
##  Parameter estimate(s):
##  Correlation: 
##   1    
## 2 0.312
## Variance function:
##  Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
##  Formula: ~1 | verb_on 
##  Parameter estimates:
##        1        0 
## 1.000000 1.188537 
## Coefficients:
##                       Value Std.Error   t-value p-value
## verb_on           19.869325 1.8634459 10.662679  0.0000
## perform_on        30.049124 2.2147736 13.567582  0.0000
## verb_on:verb1      0.809886 0.1150893  7.037017  0.0000
## verb_on:perfo1     0.446064 0.0800504  5.572292  0.0000
## perfo1:perform_on  0.962419 0.0951429 10.115507  0.0000
## verb1:perform_on   0.182846 0.1367879  1.336709  0.1821
##  Correlation: 
##                   verb_n prfrm_ vrb_n:v1 vrb_n:p1 prf1:_
## perform_on         0.312                                
## verb_on:verb1     -0.738 -0.230                         
## verb_on:perfo1    -0.034 -0.011 -0.610                  
## perfo1:perform_on -0.011 -0.034 -0.190    0.312         
## verb1:perform_on  -0.230 -0.738  0.312   -0.190   -0.610
## Standardized residuals:
##         Min          Q1         Med          Q3         Max 
## -2.55877996 -0.66034371 -0.02441614  0.62804539  3.69258907 
## Residual standard error: 7.545255 
## Degrees of freedom: 408 total; 402 residual

Let’s interpret the results!

7 Other resources

We’ve walked through one way of running an APIM model in R. There are, of course, lots of alternatives. Here are a few resources if you’d like to learn more about running an APIM model or dyadic data analyses in general.

Thanks for playing!