
The AMIB Data, collected as part of a multiple time-scale study, are useful for illustrating a variety of methods for modeling of intensive longitudinal data. The data include person-level dispositions, daily diary assessments, and ecological momentary assessments that were obtained after everyday social interactions (event-contingent sampling).

The data are shared with intent to facilitate learning about analysis of intensive longitudinal data (from experience sampling, daily diary, or EMA designs). The data are posted only for teaching purposes and should not be used for research.

Use requires citation and acknowledgement of both this website and the following paper:
Ram, N., Conroy, D. E., Pincus, A. L., Hyde, A. L., & Molloy, L. E. (2012). Tethering theory to method: Using measures of intraindividual variability to operationalize individuals’ dynamic characteristics. In G. Hancock & J. Harring (Eds.), Advances in longitudinal methods in the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 81-110). New York: Information Age.

Please contact us with questions about the data and their use. We always appreciate knowing how the data are being used to facilitate learning and teaching. If you find something interesting, please let us know - we are happy to engage collaboration around a similar data set that is larger (in terms of both persons and occasions).

Nilam, David, Aaron -


This script covers …

A. Loading The AMIB Data
B. Describing The AMIB Data
C. Describing The AMIB Data - PHASE 2


Loading libraries used in this script.


A. Loading the AMIB Data

Loading the public data.

There are 3 main data files - a person-level file, a day-level file, and an interaction-level file (that can be merged easily using the id and day variables).

Loading person-level file (N = 190)

#set filepath for data file
filepath <- "https://quantdev.ssri.psu.edu/sites/qdev/files/AMIBshare_persons_2019_0501.csv"
#read in the .csv file using the url() function
AMIB_persons <- read.csv(file=url(filepath),header=TRUE)

Loading day-level file (T = 8, day = 0 to 7).

#set filepath for data file
filepath <- "https://quantdev.ssri.psu.edu/sites/qdev/files/AMIBshare_daily_2019_0501.csv"
#read in the .csv file using the url() function
AMIB_daily <- read.csv(file=url(filepath),header=TRUE)

Loading interaction-level file (T = many, on average 43 per person).

#set filepath for data file
filepath <- "https://quantdev.ssri.psu.edu/sites/qdev/files/AMIBshare_interaction_2019_0501.csv"
#read in the .csv file using the url() function
AMIB_interaction <- read.csv(file=url(filepath),header=TRUE)

At Study Day 5 a subset of highly compliant participants were invited to participate for an additional 2 weeks (see details in Ram et al., 2012). These supplemental assessments are useful for a variety of analyses that might require longer time series (e.g., reliability, p-technique, etc.) The “Phase 2” data are organized in two files - a day-level file, and an interaction-level file (that can be merged easily using the id and day variables).

Loading the Phase 2 day-level file (T = 22, day = 0 to 21).

#set filepath for data file
filepath <- "https://quantdev.ssri.psu.edu/sites/qdev/files/AMIBshare_phase2_daily_2019_0501.csv"
#read in the .csv file using the url() function
AMIB_dailyP2 <- read.csv(file=url(filepath),header=TRUE)

Loading interaction-level file (T = many, 43 assessments per person, on average).

#set filepath for data file
filepath <- "https://quantdev.ssri.psu.edu/sites/qdev/files/AMIBshare_phase2_interaction_2019_0501.csv"
#read in the .csv file using the url() function
AMIB_interactionP2 <- read.csv(file=url(filepath),header=TRUE)

B. Describing The AMIB Data

Basic descriptives of the N = 190 person-level data.

#means, sd, etc.
##              vars   n   mean     sd median trimmed    mad    min    max
## id              1 190 318.29 130.44 321.50  318.99 151.23 101.00 532.00
## cohort          2 190   2.97   1.30   3.00    2.97   1.48   1.00   5.00
## phase2          3 190   0.16   0.37   0.00    0.07   0.00   0.00   1.00
## sex             4 190   1.66   0.48   2.00    1.70   0.00   1.00   2.00
## yearinschool    5 190   1.58   0.86   1.00    1.41   0.00   1.00   4.00
## nach_iap        6 190   3.81   0.73   3.80    3.83   0.59   1.00   5.00
## ffail           7 190   3.22   0.81   3.20    3.23   0.89   1.00   5.00
## wofo_w          8 190   4.23   0.45   4.17    4.25   0.49   2.67   5.00
## wofo_m          9 190   3.23   0.48   3.25    3.23   0.56   1.75   4.62
## wofo_wm        10 190   3.80   0.39   3.80    3.80   0.37   2.56   4.84
## wofo_wmtot     11 190   3.66   0.40   3.64    3.65   0.32   2.36   4.79
## socdes         12 190   0.39   0.21   0.38    0.38   0.23   0.00   0.92
## tpfs_aut       13 190   3.51   0.61   3.57    3.54   0.64   1.71   5.00
## tpfs_hub       14 190   1.47   0.57   1.29    1.36   0.42   1.00   4.14
## pni_cse        15 190   2.18   1.03   2.12    2.17   1.09   0.00   4.75
## pni_exp        16 190   2.44   0.99   2.40    2.45   1.19   0.00   5.00
## pni_ssse       17 190   2.94   0.81   3.00    2.96   0.74   0.50   4.67
## pni_hds        18 190   2.62   0.90   2.57    2.64   1.06   0.14   4.57
## pni_grnf       19 190   3.19   0.97   3.23    3.25   0.94   0.00   4.86
## pni_dev        20 190   1.55   0.97   1.43    1.47   1.06   0.00   4.71
## pni_enrg       21 190   2.31   0.99   2.38    2.32   1.11   0.12   5.00
## pni_total      22 190   2.43   0.64   2.38    2.43   0.60   0.65   4.11
## agg_hos        23 190   2.59   0.78   2.62    2.58   0.93   1.00   4.38
## agg_ang        24 190   2.30   0.86   2.14    2.25   0.85   1.00   4.71
## erq_reap       25 190   4.84   1.09   5.00    4.89   0.99   1.00   7.00
## erq_supp       26 190   3.54   1.25   3.62    3.53   1.30   1.00   6.50
## ecr_avo        27 190   3.11   1.39   3.00    3.05   1.48   1.00   6.67
## ecr_anx        28 190   3.66   1.31   3.67    3.65   1.38   1.00   6.83
## bfi_e          29 190   3.38   1.00   3.50    3.40   0.74   1.00   5.00
## bfi_a          30 190   3.61   0.88   3.50    3.69   0.74   1.00   5.00
## bfi_c          31 190   3.76   0.85   4.00    3.77   0.74   1.50   5.00
## bfi_n          32 190   2.98   0.96   3.00    3.00   1.48   1.00   5.00
## bfi_o          33 190   3.60   0.96   3.50    3.64   0.74   1.00   5.00
## iipsc_pa       34 187   2.98   2.51   2.00    2.70   2.97   0.00  11.00
## iipsc_bc       35 188   2.41   2.43   2.00    2.06   2.97   0.00  14.00
## iipsc_de       36 188   3.62   3.56   3.00    3.14   2.97   0.00  15.00
## iipsc_fg       37 189   3.57   3.46   3.00    3.09   2.97   0.00  16.00
## iipsc_hi       38 188   6.17   3.44   6.00    6.09   2.97   0.00  15.00
## iipsc_jk       39 186   6.03   3.51   6.00    5.94   4.45   0.00  16.00
## iipsc_lm       40 188   6.69   3.52   6.00    6.60   4.45   0.00  16.00
## iipsc_no       41 185   4.37   3.38   3.00    4.07   2.97   0.00  14.00
## stif_fix       42 190   3.40   1.07   3.67    3.43   0.99   1.00   5.67
## stif_inc       43 190   3.56   1.02   3.67    3.57   0.99   1.33   6.00
## stif_diff      44 190   0.16   1.98   0.00    0.12   2.35  -4.00   5.00
## vdi_exp        45 186  35.47   8.43  36.00   35.99   8.90   9.00  51.00
## vdi_sub        46 185  24.75   7.32  24.00   24.59   8.90  11.00  44.00
## vdi_lov        47 187  41.10   6.45  42.00   41.43   5.93  12.00  54.00
## tsca_shame     48 190   2.91   0.61   2.91    2.91   0.60   1.00   4.33
## tsca_guilt     49 190   3.95   0.46   3.97    3.98   0.42   2.25   4.75
## csiv_pa        50 190   2.16   0.62   2.25    2.18   0.56   0.50   3.88
## csiv_bc        51 190   1.19   0.67   1.12    1.16   0.74   0.00   3.38
## csiv_de        52 190   1.03   0.69   0.88    0.97   0.74   0.00   3.12
## csiv_fg        53 190   1.67   0.73   1.62    1.66   0.74   0.12   3.25
## csiv_hi        54 190   1.80   0.71   1.75    1.81   0.74   0.00   3.71
## csiv_jk        55 190   2.62   0.69   2.65    2.64   0.77   0.50   4.00
## csiv_lm        56 190   2.57   0.65   2.69    2.59   0.65   0.62   4.00
## csiv_no        57 190   2.58   0.63   2.62    2.61   0.56   1.00   4.00
## csiv_mean      58 190   1.95   0.52   2.01    1.96   0.50   0.52   3.48
## pni_grandi     59 190   2.86   0.67   2.91    2.88   0.66   0.60   4.12
## pni_vulner     60 190   2.17   0.76   2.15    2.17   0.76   0.07   4.60
##               range  skew kurtosis   se
## id           431.00 -0.04    -1.09 9.46
## cohort         4.00  0.03    -1.12 0.09
## phase2         1.00  1.86     1.47 0.03
## sex            1.00 -0.66    -1.57 0.03
## yearinschool   3.00  1.40     1.06 0.06
## nach_iap       4.00 -0.51     0.77 0.05
## ffail          4.00 -0.19    -0.40 0.06
## wofo_w         2.33 -0.37     0.10 0.03
## wofo_m         2.88 -0.10     0.14 0.04
## wofo_wm        2.28 -0.04    -0.05 0.03
## wofo_wmtot     2.43  0.03     0.09 0.03
## socdes         0.92  0.28    -0.55 0.02
## tpfs_aut       3.29 -0.39    -0.18 0.04
## tpfs_hub       3.14  1.72     3.57 0.04
## pni_cse        4.75  0.09    -0.67 0.07
## pni_exp        5.00 -0.06    -0.47 0.07
## pni_ssse       4.17 -0.33     0.06 0.06
## pni_hds        4.43 -0.18    -0.47 0.07
## pni_grnf       4.86 -0.67     0.55 0.07
## pni_dev        4.71  0.67     0.00 0.07
## pni_enrg       4.88 -0.08    -0.46 0.07
## pni_total      3.45 -0.09     0.12 0.05
## agg_hos        3.38  0.07    -0.72 0.06
## agg_ang        3.71  0.54    -0.42 0.06
## erq_reap       6.00 -0.56     0.62 0.08
## erq_supp       5.50  0.01    -0.73 0.09
## ecr_avo        5.67  0.29    -0.73 0.10
## ecr_anx        5.83  0.02    -0.61 0.09
## bfi_e          4.00 -0.21    -0.58 0.07
## bfi_a          4.00 -0.72     0.14 0.06
## bfi_c          3.50 -0.12    -0.90 0.06
## bfi_n          4.00 -0.09    -0.82 0.07
## bfi_o          4.00 -0.34    -0.48 0.07
## iipsc_pa      11.00  0.92     0.32 0.18
## iipsc_bc      14.00  1.46     3.04 0.18
## iipsc_de      15.00  1.03     0.47 0.26
## iipsc_fg      16.00  1.13     0.86 0.25
## iipsc_hi      15.00  0.25    -0.36 0.25
## iipsc_jk      16.00  0.19    -0.64 0.26
## iipsc_lm      16.00  0.20    -0.46 0.26
## iipsc_no      14.00  0.69    -0.38 0.25
## stif_fix       4.67 -0.24    -0.70 0.08
## stif_inc       4.67  0.00    -0.49 0.07
## stif_diff      9.00  0.17    -0.54 0.14
## vdi_exp       42.00 -0.56     0.06 0.62
## vdi_sub       33.00  0.21    -0.72 0.54
## vdi_lov       42.00 -0.73     1.34 0.47
## tsca_shame     3.33 -0.04    -0.11 0.04
## tsca_guilt     2.50 -0.69     0.74 0.03
## csiv_pa        3.38 -0.25    -0.18 0.05
## csiv_bc        3.38  0.41    -0.22 0.05
## csiv_de        3.12  0.86     0.40 0.05
## csiv_fg        3.12  0.09    -0.60 0.05
## csiv_hi        3.71 -0.02    -0.58 0.05
## csiv_jk        3.50 -0.33    -0.27 0.05
## csiv_lm        3.38 -0.24    -0.48 0.05
## csiv_no        3.00 -0.37    -0.47 0.05
## csiv_mean      2.97 -0.09    -0.13 0.04
## pni_grandi     3.51 -0.50     0.36 0.05
## pni_vulner     4.54  0.04    -0.06 0.06

Basic descriptives of the N = 190 day-level data.

#means, sd, etc.
##              vars    n   mean     sd median trimmed    mad    min    max
## id              1 1458 322.53 129.08 324.00  324.20 151.23 101.00 532.00
## day             2 1458   3.48   2.30   3.00    3.47   2.97   0.00   7.00
## slphrs          3 1428   7.17   1.81   7.00    7.18   1.48   0.00  18.00
## slpwell         4 1439   2.49   1.09   3.00    2.56   1.48   0.00   4.00
## weath           5 1433   2.00   1.29   2.00    1.99   1.48   0.00   4.00
## lteq            6 1433  12.44  10.37   9.00   11.18   8.90   0.00  58.00
## pss             7 1445   2.61   0.68   2.75    2.64   0.74   0.00   4.00
## se              8 1445   3.43   0.99   3.00    3.47   1.48   1.00   5.00
## ssgs_shame      9 1445   1.33   0.58   1.00    1.19   0.00   1.00   5.00
## ssgs_guilt     10 1445   1.48   0.73   1.20    1.32   0.30   1.00   5.00
## swls           11 1445   4.12   1.28   4.20    4.16   1.19   1.00   7.00
## pc             12 1446   4.96   1.09   5.00    5.00   1.19   1.00   7.00
## enthusiastic   13 1441   4.21   1.56   4.00    4.24   1.48   1.00   7.00
## calm           14 1441   4.40   1.46   4.00    4.46   1.48   1.00   7.00
## nervous        15 1438   2.83   1.74   2.00    2.63   1.48   1.00   7.00
## sluggish       16 1439   2.94   1.73   3.00    2.77   1.48   1.00   7.00
## happy          17 1441   4.67   1.35   5.00    4.72   1.48   1.00   7.00
## peaceful       18 1441   4.26   1.52   4.00    4.30   1.48   1.00   7.00
## embarrassed    19 1440   1.68   1.17   1.00    1.40   0.00   1.00   7.00
## sad            20 1434   1.95   1.46   1.00    1.62   0.00   1.00   7.00
## alert          21 1439   3.60   1.50   4.00    3.60   1.48   1.00   7.00
## satisfied      22 1438   4.34   1.47   4.00    4.39   1.48   1.00   7.00
## upset          23 1440   2.15   1.53   2.00    1.85   1.48   1.00   7.00
## bored          24 1440   2.77   1.66   2.00    2.59   1.48   1.00   7.00
## proud          25 1440   3.41   1.65   3.50    3.34   2.22   1.00   7.00
## relaxed        26 1439   4.01   1.56   4.00    4.04   1.48   1.00   7.00
## stress         27 1436   3.39   1.82   3.00    3.30   1.48   1.00   7.00
## depressed      28 1437   1.79   1.35   1.00    1.48   0.00   1.00   7.00
## excited        29 1439   3.84   1.67   4.00    3.84   1.48   1.00   7.00
## content        30 1441   4.42   1.53   4.00    4.46   1.48   1.00   7.00
## tense          31 1441   2.72   1.68   2.00    2.52   1.48   1.00   7.00
## disappointed   32 1440   2.25   1.57   2.00    1.97   1.48   1.00   7.00
## ashamed        33 1438   1.50   1.07   1.00    1.22   0.00   1.00   7.00
## relieved       34 1439   3.04   1.62   3.00    2.92   1.48   1.00   7.00
## angry          35 1441   1.80   1.36   1.00    1.48   0.00   1.00   7.00
## pos_activ      36 1441   3.95   1.16   4.00    3.96   1.19   1.00   7.00
## pos_deact      37 1441   4.29   1.23   4.40    4.32   1.19   1.00   7.00
## neg_activ      38 1441   2.55   1.21   2.20    2.44   1.19   1.00   7.00
## neg_deact      39 1441   2.34   1.09   2.00    2.22   0.89   1.00   6.80
## pfi_auth       40 1441   3.04   0.82   3.14    3.06   0.85   1.00   5.00
## pfi_hubr       41 1441   1.24   0.47   1.00    1.11   0.00   1.00   3.86
## evalday        42 1421   0.69   0.46   1.00    0.73   0.00   0.00   1.00
## posaff         43 1441   4.12   1.10   4.20    4.15   1.19   1.00   7.00
## negaff         44 1441   2.45   1.04   2.20    2.34   1.04   1.00   6.90
## affbalance     45 1441   1.67   1.84   1.90    1.79   1.78  -5.90   6.00
## temp           46 1458  39.99   7.93  42.00   40.32   8.90  20.80  56.00
## hum            47 1458   0.62   0.20   0.66    0.63   0.21   0.24   0.90
## wind           48 1458   7.28   4.45   7.00    6.74   4.45   0.70  20.00
## bar            49 1458  30.03   0.33  30.07   30.05   0.42  29.32  30.54
## prec           50 1458   0.05   0.09   0.00    0.02   0.00   0.00   0.30
##               range  skew kurtosis   se
## id           431.00 -0.07    -1.06 3.38
## day            7.00  0.01    -1.24 0.06
## slphrs        18.00  0.10     1.83 0.05
## slpwell        4.00 -0.52    -0.36 0.03
## weath          4.00 -0.05    -1.07 0.03
## lteq          58.00  1.07     0.94 0.27
## pss            4.00 -0.35     0.13 0.02
## se             4.00 -0.41    -0.11 0.03
## ssgs_shame     4.00  2.60     8.01 0.02
## ssgs_guilt     4.00  2.01     4.37 0.02
## swls           6.00 -0.27    -0.23 0.03
## pc             6.00 -0.43     0.04 0.03
## enthusiastic   6.00 -0.20    -0.61 0.04
## calm           6.00 -0.25    -0.46 0.04
## nervous        6.00  0.73    -0.61 0.05
## sluggish       6.00  0.61    -0.70 0.05
## happy          6.00 -0.35    -0.24 0.04
## peaceful       6.00 -0.21    -0.60 0.04
## embarrassed    6.00  2.16     4.75 0.03
## sad            6.00  1.75     2.39 0.04
## alert          6.00 -0.04    -0.60 0.04
## satisfied      6.00 -0.23    -0.45 0.04
## upset          6.00  1.43     1.21 0.04
## bored          6.00  0.63    -0.62 0.04
## proud          6.00  0.15    -0.83 0.04
## relaxed        6.00 -0.13    -0.62 0.04
## stress         6.00  0.34    -1.05 0.05
## depressed      6.00  1.96     3.39 0.04
## excited        6.00  0.04    -0.86 0.04
## content        6.00 -0.25    -0.59 0.04
## tense          6.00  0.81    -0.35 0.04
## disappointed   6.00  1.26     0.74 0.04
## ashamed        6.00  2.84     8.81 0.03
## relieved       6.00  0.44    -0.60 0.04
## angry          6.00  1.96     3.33 0.04
## pos_activ      6.00 -0.07    -0.42 0.03
## pos_deact      6.00 -0.24    -0.34 0.03
## neg_activ      6.00  0.83     0.27 0.03
## neg_deact      5.80  1.06     0.94 0.03
## pfi_auth       4.00 -0.17    -0.25 0.02
## pfi_hubr       2.86  2.65     7.08 0.01
## evalday        1.00 -0.80    -1.36 0.01
## posaff         6.00 -0.25    -0.33 0.03
## negaff         5.90  0.96     0.77 0.03
## affbalance    11.90 -0.65     0.41 0.05
## temp          35.20 -0.35    -0.28 0.21
## hum            0.66 -0.34    -1.11 0.01
## wind          19.30  0.97     0.87 0.12
## bar            1.22 -0.42    -0.86 0.01
## prec           0.30  1.86     1.98 0.00

Basic descriptives of the N = 184 interaction-level data.

#means, sd, etc.
##                vars    n    mean     sd  median trimmed    mad    min
## id                1 7568  330.55 122.47  328.00  334.09 145.29 101.00
## day               2 7568    3.97   1.99    4.00    3.96   2.97   1.00
## interaction       3 7568   23.31  14.74   22.00   22.56  17.79   1.00
## timea             4 7500 1496.82 445.29 1500.00 1495.34 489.26   0.00
## timeb             5 7095 1611.16 471.48 1600.00 1604.31 526.32   0.00
## dur               6 7539   34.19  61.76   20.00   24.48  16.31   1.00
## choice1           7 7546    2.44   1.72    2.00    2.16   1.48   1.00
## choice2           8 7545    5.83   1.40    6.00    6.05   1.48   1.00
## location          9 6601    3.06   1.59    3.00    3.07   2.97   1.00
## partner_gender   10 6884    0.60   0.49    1.00    0.62   0.00   0.00
## partner_status   11 7040    5.10   2.08    4.00    4.90   0.00   1.00
## first            12 7429    0.05   0.21    0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
## mtone            13 7311    0.37   0.48    0.00    0.34   0.00   0.00
## length           14 7413   28.94  55.68    8.00   14.26   7.41   0.00
## level            15 7271    3.55   1.24    4.00    3.67   1.48   0.00
## igaff            16 7554    7.06   1.76    7.00    7.31   1.48   1.00
## igdom            17 7553    6.74   1.67    7.00    6.90   1.48   1.00
## agval            18 7553    6.68   1.96    7.00    6.92   1.48   1.00
## agarous          19 7553    5.97   2.04    6.00    6.09   2.97   0.50
## stress           20 7544    1.31   1.33    1.00    1.14   1.48   0.00
## health           21 7543    1.20   1.24    1.00    1.05   1.48   0.00
## sbi_extra        22 7568    0.12   0.33    0.00    0.03   0.00   0.00
## sbi_agree        23 7568    0.42   0.29    0.33    0.41   0.49   0.00
## sbi_domin        24 7568    0.32   0.27    0.33    0.30   0.49   0.00
## sbi_quarl        25 7568    0.13   0.21    0.00    0.10   0.00   0.00
## sbi_submi        26 7568    0.19   0.24    0.00    0.14   0.00   0.00
## sbi_agency       27 7568    0.39   1.06    0.00    0.40   1.48  -3.00
## sbi_commun       28 7568    0.87   1.06    1.00    0.90   1.48  -3.00
## sbi_total        29 7568    0.27   0.14    0.25    0.26   0.12   0.00
## sbi_agree_ips    30 7568    0.16   0.22    0.17    0.16   0.25  -0.58
## sbi_domin_ips    31 7568    0.05   0.21    0.00    0.04   0.25  -0.58
## sbi_quarl_ips    32 7568   -0.13   0.19   -0.17   -0.14   0.12  -0.67
## sbi_submi_ips    33 7568   -0.08   0.20   -0.08   -0.09   0.25  -0.67
## sbi_agency_ips   34 7568    0.13   0.35    0.00    0.13   0.49  -1.00
## sbi_commun_ips   35 7568    0.29   0.35    0.33    0.30   0.49  -1.00
##                    max   range  skew kurtosis   se
## id              532.00  431.00 -0.17    -0.91 1.41
## day               7.00    6.00  0.02    -1.24 0.02
## interaction      56.00   55.00  0.35    -0.90 0.17
## timea          2800.00 2800.00 -0.10    -0.14 5.14
## timeb          4046.00 4046.00  0.16     0.61 5.60
## dur            3630.00 3629.00 28.24  1536.00 0.71
## choice1           7.00    6.00  1.06     0.16 0.02
## choice2           7.00    6.00 -1.23     0.99 0.02
## location          5.00    4.00  0.00    -1.50 0.02
## partner_gender    1.00    1.00 -0.39    -1.85 0.01
## partner_status    9.00    8.00  0.87    -0.16 0.02
## first             1.00    1.00  4.23    15.91 0.00
## mtone             1.00    1.00  0.54    -1.71 0.01
## length          648.00  648.00  3.34    13.33 0.65
## level             5.00    5.00 -0.54    -0.61 0.01
## igaff             9.00    8.00 -1.16     1.11 0.02
## igdom             9.00    8.00 -0.83     0.44 0.02
## agval             9.00    8.00 -0.95     0.33 0.02
## agarous           9.00    8.50 -0.53    -0.55 0.02
## stress            5.00    5.00  0.77    -0.32 0.02
## health            5.00    5.00  0.84    -0.07 0.01
## sbi_extra         1.00    1.00  2.32     3.40 0.00
## sbi_agree         1.00    1.00  0.20    -0.63 0.00
## sbi_domin         1.00    1.00  0.55    -0.18 0.00
## sbi_quarl         1.00    1.00  1.49     1.77 0.00
## sbi_submi         1.00    1.00  1.15     0.86 0.00
## sbi_agency        3.00    6.00 -0.19     0.24 0.01
## sbi_commun        3.00    6.00 -0.23     0.10 0.01
## sbi_total         1.00    1.00  0.62     0.83 0.00
## sbi_agree_ips     0.75    1.33  0.02    -0.33 0.00
## sbi_domin_ips     0.75    1.33  0.38     0.01 0.00
## sbi_quarl_ips     0.75    1.42  0.50     0.56 0.00
## sbi_submi_ips     0.75    1.42  0.71     0.83 0.00
## sbi_agency_ips    1.00    2.00 -0.19     0.24 0.00
## sbi_commun_ips    1.00    2.00 -0.23     0.10 0.00

C. Describing The AMIB Data - PHASE 2

Basic descriptives of the N = 30 PHASE 2 day-level data.

#means, sd, etc.
##              vars   n   mean    sd median trimmed    mad    min    max
## id              1 629 307.12 77.66 316.00  304.47 127.50 203.00 439.00
## phase2          2 629   1.00  0.00   1.00    1.00   0.00   1.00   1.00
## day             3 629  10.14  6.27  10.00   10.08   7.41   0.00  21.00
## slphrs          4 624   7.04  1.73   7.00    7.06   1.48   2.00  12.00
## slpwell         5 623   2.44  1.22   3.00    2.54   1.48   0.00   4.00
## weath           6 621   2.15  1.29   2.00    2.19   1.48   0.00   4.00
## lteq            7 610  12.80  9.98  11.00   11.85  10.38   0.00  58.00
## pss             8 628   2.61  0.72   2.75    2.63   0.74   0.25   4.00
## se              9 627   3.23  1.03   3.00    3.24   1.48   1.00   5.00
## ssgs_shame     10 628   1.22  0.41   1.00    1.13   0.00   1.00   4.80
## ssgs_guilt     11 628   1.31  0.55   1.00    1.18   0.00   1.00   5.00
## swls           12 628   4.33  1.22   4.40    4.37   1.19   1.00   7.00
## pc             13 628   4.80  1.02   5.00    4.83   0.99   1.50   7.00
## enthusiastic   14 627   3.65  1.69   4.00    3.64   1.48   1.00   7.00
## calm           15 627   3.88  1.62   4.00    3.85   1.48   1.00   7.00
## nervous        16 626   2.74  1.76   2.00    2.53   1.48   1.00   7.00
## sluggish       17 627   2.78  1.70   2.00    2.56   1.48   1.00   7.00
## happy          18 626   4.45  1.48   5.00    4.48   1.48   1.00   7.00
## peaceful       19 627   3.89  1.62   4.00    3.88   1.48   1.00   7.00
## embarrassed    20 627   1.56  1.12   1.00    1.28   0.00   1.00   7.00
## sad            21 627   1.74  1.27   1.00    1.44   0.00   1.00   7.00
## alert          22 627   3.04  1.44   3.00    2.99   1.48   1.00   7.00
## satisfied      23 627   4.26  1.50   4.00    4.28   1.48   1.00   7.00
## upset          24 627   1.88  1.34   1.00    1.59   0.00   1.00   7.00
## bored          25 627   2.62  1.64   2.00    2.41   1.48   1.00   7.00
## proud          26 627   2.95  1.57   3.00    2.86   1.48   1.00   7.00
## relaxed        27 626   3.75  1.64   4.00    3.73   1.48   1.00   7.00
## stress         28 622   3.29  1.86   3.00    3.15   1.48   1.00   7.00
## depressed      29 623   1.57  1.09   1.00    1.31   0.00   1.00   7.00
## excited        30 624   3.58  1.75   4.00    3.54   1.48   1.00   7.00
## content        31 627   4.47  1.53   5.00    4.51   1.48   1.00   7.00
## tense          32 627   2.47  1.58   2.00    2.25   1.48   1.00   7.00
## disappointed   33 627   1.93  1.39   1.00    1.63   0.00   1.00   7.00
## ashamed        34 627   1.29  0.76   1.00    1.10   0.00   1.00   6.00
## relieved       35 627   2.60  1.45   2.00    2.45   1.48   1.00   7.00
## angry          36 627   1.70  1.25   1.00    1.40   0.00   1.00   7.00
## pos_activ      37 627   3.53  1.18   3.60    3.56   1.19   1.00   7.00
## pos_deact      38 627   4.05  1.31   4.00    4.04   1.48   1.00   7.00
## neg_activ      39 627   2.39  1.16   2.20    2.26   1.19   1.00   6.80
## neg_deact      40 627   2.13  0.97   2.00    2.02   0.89   1.00   5.60
## pfi_auth       41 627   2.90  0.89   2.86    2.91   1.06   1.00   5.00
## pfi_hubr       42 627   1.14  0.29   1.00    1.06   0.00   1.00   3.29
## evalday        43 624   0.65  0.48   1.00    0.69   0.00   0.00   1.00
## posaff         44 627   3.79  1.13   3.90    3.82   1.19   1.00   6.40
## negaff         45 627   2.26  0.95   2.10    2.16   0.89   1.00   5.90
## affbalance     46 627   1.53  1.74   1.70    1.60   1.63  -4.60   5.40
## temp           47 629  43.01  6.03  44.00   42.85   5.93  32.00  56.00
## hum            48 629   0.64  0.19   0.66    0.65   0.19   0.24   0.95
## wind           49 629   8.10  4.61   8.00    7.53   2.97   2.00  20.00
## bar            50 629  29.90  0.32  29.95   29.91   0.36  29.32  30.43
## prec           51 629   0.05  0.10   0.00    0.02   0.00   0.00   0.43
##               range  skew kurtosis   se
## id           236.00  0.13    -1.23 3.10
## phase2         0.00   NaN      NaN 0.00
## day           21.00  0.07    -1.17 0.25
## slphrs        10.00 -0.09     0.04 0.07
## slpwell        4.00 -0.50    -0.65 0.05
## weath          4.00 -0.15    -1.01 0.05
## lteq          58.00  0.98     1.07 0.40
## pss            3.75 -0.28     0.04 0.03
## se             4.00 -0.25    -0.34 0.04
## ssgs_shame     3.80  3.14    14.81 0.02
## ssgs_guilt     4.00  2.68     9.44 0.02
## swls           6.00 -0.26    -0.32 0.05
## pc             5.50 -0.26    -0.23 0.04
## enthusiastic   6.00  0.00    -0.99 0.07
## calm           6.00  0.10    -0.83 0.06
## nervous        6.00  0.74    -0.57 0.07
## sluggish       6.00  0.85    -0.18 0.07
## happy          6.00 -0.16    -0.72 0.06
## peaceful       6.00  0.06    -0.82 0.06
## embarrassed    6.00  2.41     5.83 0.04
## sad            6.00  2.04     3.87 0.05
## alert          6.00  0.28    -0.65 0.06
## satisfied      6.00 -0.18    -0.52 0.06
## upset          6.00  1.76     2.61 0.05
## bored          6.00  0.80    -0.31 0.07
## proud          6.00  0.34    -0.92 0.06
## relaxed        6.00  0.13    -0.86 0.07
## stress         6.00  0.47    -0.95 0.07
## depressed      6.00  2.34     5.71 0.04
## excited        6.00  0.08    -0.98 0.07
## content        6.00 -0.31    -0.56 0.06
## tense          6.00  0.93    -0.06 0.06
## disappointed   6.00  1.68     2.20 0.06
## ashamed        5.00  3.39    13.38 0.03
## relieved       6.00  0.66    -0.25 0.06
## angry          6.00  2.15     4.47 0.05
## pos_activ      6.00 -0.12    -0.68 0.05
## pos_deact      6.00  0.05    -0.41 0.05
## neg_activ      5.80  0.91     0.44 0.05
## neg_deact      4.60  0.92     0.48 0.04
## pfi_auth       4.00 -0.04    -0.68 0.04
## pfi_hubr       2.29  3.07    11.53 0.01
## evalday        1.00 -0.63    -1.61 0.02
## posaff         5.40 -0.23    -0.54 0.05
## negaff         4.90  0.98     1.04 0.04
## affbalance    10.00 -0.46     0.16 0.07
## temp          24.00  0.14    -0.56 0.24
## hum            0.71 -0.46    -0.86 0.01
## wind          18.00  0.92     0.59 0.18
## bar            1.11 -0.17    -0.97 0.01
## prec           0.43  2.15     3.63 0.00

Basic descriptives of the N = 30 PHASE 2 interaction-level data.

#means, sd, etc.
##                vars    n    mean     sd  median trimmed    mad    min
## id                1 4200  310.36  77.12  321.00  308.40 121.57 203.00
## phase2            2 4200    1.00   0.00    1.00    1.00   0.00   1.00
## day               3 4200   10.57   5.99   10.00   10.50   7.41   1.00
## interaction       4 4200   73.88  45.18   71.00   72.32  54.86   1.00
## timea             5 4197 1459.00 481.24 1415.00 1453.03 467.02   0.00
## timeb             6 3932 1567.73 511.56 1518.00 1550.92 553.01   4.00
## dur               7 4191   31.47  40.39   15.00   23.48  14.83   1.00
## choice1           8 4195    2.32   1.68    1.00    2.04   0.00   1.00
## choice2           9 4194    5.94   1.38    7.00    6.17   0.00   1.00
## location         10 3760    3.26   1.58    3.00    3.32   2.97   1.00
## partner_gender   11 3752    0.68   0.47    1.00    0.73   0.00   0.00
## partner_status   12 3928    5.19   2.05    4.00    4.99   0.00   1.00
## first            13 4077    0.06   0.23    0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
## mtone            14 4104    0.38   0.49    0.00    0.36   0.00   0.00
## length           15 4131   29.31  54.76    7.00   14.05   5.93   0.00
## level            16 4038    3.61   1.30    4.00    3.75   1.48   0.00
## igaff            17 4190    7.39   1.78    8.00    7.69   1.48   1.00
## igdom            18 4190    6.92   1.62    7.00    7.08   1.48   1.00
## agval            19 4189    6.80   2.09    7.00    7.08   2.22   1.00
## agarous          20 4189    5.92   2.11    6.00    6.04   2.97   1.00
## stress           21 4191    1.22   1.38    1.00    1.02   1.48   0.00
## health           22 4192    1.08   1.17    1.00    0.93   1.48   0.00
## sbi_extra        23 4200    0.13   0.34    0.00    0.04   0.00   0.00
## sbi_agree        24 4200    1.32   0.83    1.00    1.31   1.48   0.00
## sbi_domin        25 4200    0.96   0.78    1.00    0.90   1.48   0.00
## sbi_quarl        26 4200    0.42   0.63    0.00    0.32   0.00   0.00
## sbi_submi        27 4200    0.54   0.70    0.00    0.41   0.00   0.00
## sbi_agency       28 4200    0.42   1.09    0.00    0.44   1.48  -3.00
## sbi_commun       29 4200    0.90   1.04    1.00    0.94   1.48  -3.00
## sbi_total        30 4200    0.27   0.13    0.25    0.26   0.12   0.00
## sbi_agree_ips    31 4200    0.17   0.22    0.17    0.17   0.25  -0.50
## sbi_domin_ips    32 4200    0.05   0.22    0.08    0.04   0.25  -0.58
## sbi_quarl_ips    33 4200   -0.13   0.19   -0.17   -0.14   0.12  -0.67
## sbi_submi_ips    34 4200   -0.09   0.21   -0.17   -0.11   0.12  -0.67
## sbi_agency_ips   35 4200    0.14   0.36    0.00    0.15   0.49  -1.00
## sbi_commun_ips   36 4200    0.30   0.35    0.33    0.31   0.49  -1.00
##                    max   range  skew kurtosis   se
## id              439.00  236.00  0.07    -1.21 1.19
## phase2            1.00    0.00   NaN      NaN 0.00
## day              21.00   20.00  0.09    -1.16 0.09
## interaction     168.00  167.00  0.23    -1.00 0.70
## timea          4420.00 4420.00  0.21     1.71 7.43
## timeb          4508.00 4504.00  0.57     2.19 8.16
## dur             827.00  826.00  5.12    57.55 0.62
## choice1           7.00    6.00  1.12     0.34 0.03
## choice2           7.00    6.00 -1.34     1.29 0.02
## location          5.00    4.00 -0.16    -1.47 0.03
## partner_gender    1.00    1.00 -0.78    -1.39 0.01
## partner_status    9.00    8.00  0.81    -0.24 0.03
## first             1.00    1.00  3.79    12.40 0.00
## mtone             1.00    1.00  0.48    -1.77 0.01
## length          246.00  246.00  2.74     6.54 0.85
## level             5.00    5.00 -0.57    -0.78 0.02
## igaff             9.00    8.00 -1.43     2.01 0.03
## igdom             9.00    8.00 -0.93     0.91 0.02
## agval             9.00    8.00 -0.93     0.13 0.03
## agarous           9.00    8.00 -0.51    -0.56 0.03
## stress            5.00    5.00  0.97     0.02 0.02
## health            5.00    5.00  0.88     0.00 0.02
## sbi_extra         1.00    1.00  2.15     2.61 0.01
## sbi_agree         3.00    3.00  0.15    -0.54 0.01
## sbi_domin         3.00    3.00  0.52    -0.14 0.01
## sbi_quarl         3.00    3.00  1.40     1.59 0.01
## sbi_submi         3.00    3.00  1.13     0.68 0.01
## sbi_agency        3.00    6.00 -0.26     0.03 0.02
## sbi_commun        3.00    6.00 -0.29     0.16 0.02
## sbi_total         1.00    1.00  0.60     0.61 0.00
## sbi_agree_ips     0.75    1.25 -0.02    -0.34 0.00
## sbi_domin_ips     0.75    1.33  0.31    -0.07 0.00
## sbi_quarl_ips     0.75    1.42  0.55     0.52 0.00
## sbi_submi_ips     0.75    1.42  0.70     0.52 0.00
## sbi_agency_ips    1.00    2.00 -0.26     0.03 0.01
## sbi_commun_ips    1.00    2.00 -0.29     0.16 0.01

We shall eventually provide more detailed code-book information here. In the mean time, please feel free to contact Nilam for details about the variables and coding.

Thanks for playing!